Kandahar Airfield, Kandahar, Afghanistan-Lance Cpl. Matthew Castro, Marine Aerial Refueler Transport Squadron 352, Marine Aircraft Group 40, Marine Expeditionary Brigade Afghanistan armorer, observes a rock formation at the airfield's explosive ordnance disposal training course July 2. Castro and several other airfield Corporal's Course students took part in the one-day basic course. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl. Gregory Aalto), Lance Cpl. Gregory Aalto, 7/2/2009 7:29 AM
Marty's note: I missed this story from a few weeks ago but it's worth reading
MEB-Afghanistan Corporals Course Students Participate in Counter-IED Training
8/31/2009 By Lance Cpl. Gregory Aalto, Marine Aircraft Group 40
Marine Attack Squadron 214 "Black Sheep" and Marine Aerial Refueler Transport Squadron 352/152 Detachment "A", all with Marine Aircraft Group 40, Marine Expeditionary Brigade-Afghanistan, Corporal's Course students attended a Counter-Improvised Explosive Device basic course here recently.
The one-day training focused strictly on current Afghanistan IED tactics used by enemy insurgents.
"Iraq and Afghanistan are two totally different [areas]. They shouldn't be mentioned in the same breath [in relation to IED use]," said Australian Army Sgt. Maj. Neil Patrick, the senior CIED instructor with NATO Regional Command South.
Patrick, who has 20 years of experience as an explosive ordnance disposal technician and multiple deployments to Ireland, Iraq and Afghanistan, added that one increased focus of the course is dealing with the post-IED blast reaction.
The course was directed by RC South for all service members here to attend.
"Ideally, this is the final stage of training, however for most, it is the beginning," said 1st Lt. Dan Pueda, CIED training officer in charge for Task Force Paladin.
As a nation, Afghanistan has an estimated 7-10 million pieces of unexploded ordnance left in the country, according to class instructors.
"I had a totally different picture of what a mine was in my head. [The class] gave me a whole new outlook to what a person on a patrol is facing," said Cpl. Kenneth Ducker, VMA-214 maintenance administration clerk.
Some additional training offered to Marines here includes medical training, an MRAP rollover trainer and a shooting simulator for various weapons and scenarios.
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